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NICS (New Generation Incident Command System)
is a web-based command & control environment for small to
large to extreme scale incidents that
facilitates collaboration across National, Regional and Local/Municipal levels of
preparedness, planning, response, and recovery for all-risk/all-hazard events. NICS facilitates situational awareness for widely dispersed responders.
NICS as a platform for:
•Spatial display of the condition and resources of digital maps;
•Exchange of data and information in real time
•Generate Situation Reports supported by maps
•Tracking operational activities and resources in real time
•Inclusion of social media of importance for crisis management with analyzes using artificial intelligence
•Institutional (commanding forces within the institutions)
•Local Coordination Forums (Regional Headquarters for Crisis Management RHCMC, Municipal Headquarters, RHCP, Coordinating Bodies ...)
•National Forums(HSC, AG и SC)
•International cooperation (coordination with the forces and resources in foreign countries and back)